
   Relationship Coaching
   with Amy Newshore M.Ed, CMHC

Powerful • Productive • Results-Oriented

Discernment Counseling

For Couples on the Fence

Discernment Counseling is focused, short-term counseling to help couples decide whether to end their relationship or to spend a period of time focusing on working to improve their relationship. The Discernment sessions offer a process that enables couples to decide which direction to go and takes place in two-hour blocks, usually lasting up to 5 sessions. Discernment can be enormously helpful in cases where either one or both partners are “leaning out” –  the ending the relationship is being considered but it is not yet clear as to if this would be the right decision or not. The goal of Discernment Counseling is to move out of confusion and find the confidence and clarity as to how to move forward  in making the right decision.

Discernment Counseling begins with each partner having a phone call with me, at no charge. I am available to answer any questions and to understand your specific situation.

Managed Separation

Managed  Separation is where a couple meets with me regularly while they physically separate in order to interrupt painful or toxic relationship patterns that have made it difficult to continue living together. Taking a break from the intensity of co-habitating can be a very positive step and does not necessarily mean that the relationship needs to end.  Managed separation gives a couple the opportunity to have a period of time away from one another to regroup individually and potentially together. A physical separation, mixed with weekly meetings with me, can typically last anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Managed separation offers the time for each partner to focus on themselves and build more clarity as to their own needs, desires and personal goals.

Managed separation can be a successful strategy in preventing divorce or termination of the relationship. Through this process, it is possible to re-create the relationship based on more clarity and honesty as to who each person is and what their vision is for a thriving, healthy relationship.     

If you are interested in the possibility of a Discernment Counseling or Managed Separation, email me at [email protected]


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